Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Birding Paradise at Paradise Pond, Port Aransas

"Did you all get the birds?", I could see that the instructor was from the University of Texas and that she was leading the group of birders. I meekly asked what birds and one of the students told me to look over there and see the hooded warbler.
Another chimned in and told me to look for the Louisiana waterthrush. Oh and make sure to see the prothonotary warbler another added. My mind was reeling as I tried to remember the names and at the same time glass the dense wooded pond.
I caught the hooded warbler and wood thrush, I even got a picture. Renita came up and asked me what was happening and we both saw a black and white warbler. Yellow crowned herons were everywhere and we both keep adding to our list.
Roy was trying to get a picture of the black and white warbler, when a green throated warbler landed on a nearby branch and dared me to take its pictures. I clicked and clicked and clicked and hoped all my efforts would not be in vain.
Pam calmly asked me if I wanted to use the binoculars and I almost ripped them from her grasp as she lifted the strap from around her neck. Apologizing, I got them just in time to see another black and white.
We were on a birding adventre and had just came from the Birding Center. There we had walked along the boardwalk and watched the green and blue winged teal display their breeding colors. Renita pointed out a cinnoman teal, so aptly named for its brown head and flanks.
Over fifty roseatttes preened themselves as a black stilt waded between them. What a day and what beautiful breeding colors! Roy spied a common moorehen and we just kept adding to our list.
Our plan was to go to Charleys Pasture and continue birding but we were to tired and so we had a picnic lunch and threw out some poles for the huge black drum, that were in their spawning run. None disturbed us but it was ok as it would have been to much to ask for such a great day. Spring had finally arrived and with it the warblers! Clear skies.

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