Tuesday, May 11, 2010

North to Minneapolis, Part 2, Iowa Memories

Our trip in Keosauqua was of course filled with family time as we saw Pam and Roy and our niece and nephews. We even taught the whole family a workshop on wire wrapping and they all turned out beautiful pieces that were much nicer then the first piece I ever wrapped.
It is so nice to relax in Iowa, and eat breaded pork tenderloins. I am so surprised that the people in Iowa look so fit, compared to some of the southern states, especially Mississippi. Roy has become obsessed with lapidary and so we had a great time showing our rock collections and even traded some pieces.
Heading north, we took 218/27 and the road was pretty good with little traffic, so our drive was easy and uneventful. Arriving at Black Hawk County Park we got a great campsite. A humorous incident happened to us here when we were dating. We got stuck in the sand and had to call a wrecker. In a moment of panic I had first called my future brother in law Roy, and in one of my biggest mistakes I called my Dad for advice. Oh my was that a mistake as we were supposed to be at a dance and I had the family car..........
Arriving in Waterloo we both felt the same emotional tug. The next day we had a huge list of to do things, visiting family, decorating our parents graves, and even driving by the houses where we grew up.
The first place we drove by was Renitas house on Division Street. The trees her Dad had planted were huge and the house looked pretty much the same, with the exception of the two car garage. I didn't ask her how she felt and I just listened to her talk aloud, sometimes you just need to listen...
Next we drove to Waterloo and headed up fifth street. Of course we passed my elementary school and we had to stop at the Johnson Bakery. The bakery has been in the same family for a long time and the lady behind the counter laughed with us as I bought way too many doughnuts and cookies and even a pie.
My house seemed so old compared to when I lived there. The owners had torn off the screened front porch in which my brother and I had slept during the summer months to escape the Iowa heat and humidity. The massive elm tress had long since died and had never been replaced and what can I say but you can never step in the same water twice.
Both of us have been blessed in life to have had stable homes and loving parents. Not a day goes by without thinking of them and how much we miss their kind words and loving touch. We both know that we will be reunited with them in time and that thought sustains us as we continue our journey. Clear skies


Jim & Nanc said...

In Western PA when you got stuck while "parking" we were always afraid that the man with the hook would get us.

Very nice post.

greg and jean said...

Wow I didn't know you two were from Ioway !!! Blogs are good !!! Not sure how I missed your first post on your northerly trek but alas it wouldn't have mattered as you were much further east than Lincoln Nebraska. How long will you be in MN? Will it be for an extended stay or??

We will be in Wisconsin Mid - June...a couple other folks have 'jello' plans for MN and WI as well this summer.

OH and you are a MUCH better shot than me !!!